Inspirational Photo Tour: Stepping into the Scene of the Crime in DEAD GAME


DEAD GAME is the second book in the EMILY STONE THRILLER SERIES.  It revolves around a high-tech serial killer that hunts for his victims through an interactive video spy game.  DeadGameCover_ebookThere were many photo inspirations that helped me to write this particular story.

I’m a very visual person.  When I create a story, the characters and events play through my mind like a movie and continue to do so as I’m writing each chapter of the book.  Sometimes I imagine myself sitting in an empty movie theater watching my story unfold.  At times, I rewind and edit with my imagination until the end result is satisfactory to me.  Inspiration can strike at any time from various places, objects, structures, people, and often leave a lasting impression.

I enjoy photography and I usually have at least camera with me at all times.  There’s nothing worse than not having a camera or cell phone to snap a great shot.  Sometimes I’ll see something specific that strikes a writing chord with me that I think would be a perfect part of a story.  20110321_2It can be an old building, a deserted beach, or even a group of people getting ready for a sailboat race.  Whatever I see can inspire bits and pieces that eventually become integrated into my books.

I wanted to share some of the photographs I took that inspired me to write the opening sequences to DEAD GAME.  002There are no spoilers.  I won’t give anything away, but rather, I wanted to share actual places that I photographed and were eventually incorporated into the beginning of the story.  You can read this first several chapters of DEAD GAME on Amazon.

I had been at the beach one Sunday afternoon walking my dogs and the fog rolled in.  This isn’t unusual, but it became so thick that I could barely see the harbor or make out the outlines of the boats.  mosslandingfogIt hit me.  I thought about what it would mean for EMILY STONE to search for an abducted child on one of the boats and how she would attempt this difficult feat.  My imagination began to roll.  I try to find a location or structure that would provoke questions. Who lives there?  What would happen if a killer had a victim held there?  How would EMILY STONE rescue a child?  What are some of the obstacles she would face?  What if something went wrong?

20111009_101I like overcast days that cast an eerie feeling.  The opening sequence pits EMILY STONE on the harrowing mission of rescuing an abducted child held on one of the boats.  She faces a few unusual obstacles when she decides to take the water route and swim to the location.  I wanted to put myself in her shoes, creatively that is, and write a sequence that evokes the imagination and senses.  Something that strikes a memory, fear, or even a deep felt emotion.

Sometimes I take a photo of a particular place and I don’t really know, if or when, I would incorporate it into a story.  I like settings and places that could tell many stories.  These are some of my writing inspirations for DEAD GAME.  I hope you enjoy.

What inspires you?



Author Blog:
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Books: Compulsion  Dead Game  Dark Mind  Dead Burn Silent Partner  Screenwriting

About jchasenovelist

Published thriller author, criminologist, and blogger.
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6 Responses to Inspirational Photo Tour: Stepping into the Scene of the Crime in DEAD GAME

  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I tried to add a comment on your last message and my Kaspersky Security blocked it saying there was malware connected. If its a wrong warning, that’s good. The internet is a strange place.

    While I’m in your personal area, may I ask: Do you self publish, or who is your traditional publisher. If you have an agent, would you be able to tell me?

    See Ya!

    David Holmes


  2. I’m also very visual, and often get inspired by a picture in a magazine,newspaper article, etc… I’m also actually writing on a high-tech serial killer. In view of your expertise, are there major obstacles to avoid while writing in this genre ?


    • So true, many visual things inspire me as well. Major obstacles? I wouldn’t say there is any. However, I would say that one of the most important things in this type of story is to do your research well and everything else will fall into place. Good luck with your writing! Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂


  3. Pingback: Inspirational Photo Tour: Stepping into the Scene of the Crime in DEAD GAME | jack & Liz

  4. Pingback: Taking a Lighter Approach at Everyday Life | Author Jennifer Chase

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