Writing in the Moment

A few years ago, I discovered the term “mindfulness” and incorporated it into my everyday life.  It has help me to combat my anxiety issues.  It basically means what it implies.  On one level it means paying attention to details of what’s going on around you at any given time, but on a much deeper level it brings your conscious awareness to a “moment-by-moment” basis.  It’s where you pay attention to what’s happening right now, but in a non-judgmental way and allowing things to be what they are to you.

Writing is a demanding, but absolutely a fulfilling profession.  I’ve found myself taking part in standard Yoga stretches to ground myself and begin my day.  I’ve recently taken it a step further by using the meditation technique to mindfulness to de-stress and balance my mind and body.  It’s been quite effective and I look forward to it several times a week.  I highly suggest checking out Mindful Yoga on a CD or DVD.

I wanted to take the “in the moment” or “mindfulness” into my writing.  I’ve finished my fifth Emily Stone Novel, where the term “thriller” is taken to new levels as she chases after serial killers and she sometimes gets too close to them, almost feeling their breath or touch.  By taking an experience along with emotion and observation, you can build a thrilling scene.

As I’ve briefly outlined my chapters and scenes, I’ve found myself creating the suspense and tension of the storyline.  I take a moment to view things from Emily Stone’s perspective of “in the moment” techniques.  It gets the writing juices flowing.

For example, she’s found a new clue that can track down the killer.  What does she do?  How will she move forward in a moment-by-moment way?  I break down the scene into action/reaction from beginning to end.  The beginning is when she finds the clue and the end is the result I want her to accomplish.  What are some of the observations, emotions, and details she can accomplish in this particular task?

Take this writing task a step further into your own day.  Write the “in the moment” observations of a typical day for you.  Create a scene when you run errands, watch your favorite movie, or take a lunch break with a friend.  Write everything down that you observe.  What are the moment-by-moment actions that happen?

I’ve found that by writing in the moment, you discover not only things about yourself but also about your characters in your stories.  The next time you feel that little procrastination bug nipping at you, pull back, and write in the moment.


Please join me:



 Author Blog: https://authorjenniferchase.com/

Book & Crime Talk:  http://blogtalkradio.com/jennifer-chase
Books: Compulsion  Dead Game  Dark Mind Dead Burn Silent Partner  Screenwriting


You can tag along with Emily Stone in a “live-action” novel short, you won’t be disappointed:

About jchasenovelist

Published thriller author, criminologist, and blogger.
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5 Responses to Writing in the Moment

  1. Christina Carson says:

    “I’ve found that by writing in the moment, you discover not only things about yourself but also about your characters in your stories.” Most insightful Jennifer and so very true. There really is nothing but the moment, but we can seemingly create many more if we are foolish enough to listen to our thought as if they were happening now. Keep on, gal, you are on a path that can only make your life more truthful and engaged. And all great art comes from that state of consciousness.


  2. danagriffin says:

    I love it when I’m so into the story time and the things going around me disappear. My mind is filled with what the characters are experiencing, feeling, saying, or fearing. Is that experiencing mindfulness? Heck if I know, but I enjoy it.

    Good post.


  3. Sue Coletta says:

    I call it “being in the zone”, when your house can explode in chaos around you and you barely notice a thing. BTW, the novel clip was excellent! Really enjoyed it.


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