
The love that author Jennifer Chase has for books and writing began with the weekly trips that her mom would take with her to the local library. Jennifer would load up her arms with books and spend the week pouring over them until the next visit brought the opportunity to discover even more authors and stories. Before long, she was taking pen to paper and a lifelong connection with creating characters and plotlines was made.

Jennifer has found her niche in the writing world by integrating another passion, criminology, into her work. She holds a bachelors degree in police forensics and a masters in criminology, academic pursuits that developed out of her curiosity about the criminal mind as well as from her own experience with a violent sociopath, providing Jennifer with deep personal investment in every story she tells. She also holds certifications in serial crime and criminal profiling and is a proud member of the International Association of Forensic Criminologists.

This research background has assisted Jennifer in writing multiple crime thrillers, including Compulsion, Dead Game, Silent Partner, Dark Mind and Dead Burn, earning multiple readers’ choice awards and other accolades along the way, including a recent gold medal awarded by a panel of professionals in the publishing industry as part of the International Book Awards. She also has published a non-fiction book, How to Write a Screenplay, which offers a step-by-step guide to this special craft. In addition to her own writing work, Jennifer assists other authors with their own publishing efforts and does some consulting work in the criminology field.

Jennifer Chase was born and raised in California and still lives there with her husband, dogs and cats. In addition to writing and studying, Jennifer enjoys spending time outdoors, both at the beach and hiking, and engaging in some amateur photography.



13 Responses to Bio

  1. Ed Armstrong says:

    Thanks for letting me know about your blog/new blog. Keep up the good work.


  2. The cats like your writing? My cat holds me and my work in such obvious disdain.


  3. Carmel says:

    Reading dark mind is like watching a movie. You can’t take your eyes off of it co’z you don’t like to miss anything. The author indeed captivates its readers desire and lull them into deep reading the book in just one sitting. I like how she enticed her readers with all the suspense and thrill the novel gives.


  4. Pingback: Book Review – Dark Mind by Jennifer Chase - Penny Minding Mom

  5. Pingback: Book Review: Dark Mind by Jennifer Chase | Couponer101

  6. I think dog loving must pair well with thriller writing. 😉 Terrific bio and blog. I look forward to keeping up with your posts!


  7. Rob Mahan says:

    Thanks for liking my post about My Writing Companions and following my blog, Jennifer! I’m following yours now, too, and looking forward to more of your fascinating insights into the minds of your characters … and hearing more about your puppies!


  8. Hi Jennifer, you have a terrific blog. Your novels seem right up my alley. I love thrillers. From looking at your bio, it seems we enjoy a lot of the same stuff! Great to meet you. My wife and I also live in California (LA). What part are you and your husband in?


  9. Duke says:

    I just finished reading Little Girls Sleeping and saw your note towards the end where you wrote you would love to hear from readers, so I just wanted to let you know I really liked your book it kept me reading and every time I had to stop reading I couldn’t wait to finish it and find out what happen next, Thank you for sharing your art.


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